Tour de France 2022 route review

After the Giro d’Italia 2022 review it’s time to review the Grand Boucle. As usual, like the Giro, and every other UCI race, you can find the stages on our website (and this is even more important than the Giro considering that for TDF all the profiles are out in end of May / beginning of June – so we have reconstructed them from the videos. There will be small changes of course, but not something that will change significantly the stages themselves). Let’s take a look, first, at the list of stages.


The Tour de France goes more or less over the skeleton of 2014 edition, the one won by Vincenzo Nibali and heavily influenced by the crashes of Alberto Contador and Chris Froome in the first day. All stages was set for a race between the two best riders of that moment – that was just delayed to Vuelta – but ended in Nibali domination for a boring Tour at the end. This brought that type of route to being put on hold for one year, being put back again in 2016, then being put again on hold after Froome dominated it.

TDF 2014 had cobbles, 5 mountain top finishes + Gerardmer and the final 54 kms ITT to define the winner. This race put on the table cobbles, 5 mountain top finishes + Chatel and Mende and a final 40 kms ITT putting a significant change in 2020 route when the MTFs were three and two of them were put in two short stages. It’s a race that unlike tradition of TDF of neverending boring stages in which group is all together try to shift the TDF in a different plan increasing the chances of stages with GC gaps.

Having GC gaps in TDF is something unusual more than Giro and Vuelta due to the high level of the competition. You always get riders grouped and big gaps like Pogacar this year in Le Grand Bornand are usually the exception and not the rule. Giro in last year is able to obtain them in the third week after long efforts making the riders being tired due to the level becoming high also there.

TDF usually never felt the need of doing an hard race after Giro having usually one stage (not even the hardest) as the main decider of the race and the rest just being in control of it. 2019 was a good edition countering the previous ones maybe due to lack of dominant riders resulting in gaps since Prat d’Albis stage – after one year in which Geraint Thomas was able to distance Dumoulin “only” 27” between La Rosiere, Alpe d’Huez, Portet and Mende with the dutch man losing the Tour on a crash in Mur de Bretagne and not being able to take the time back.

Will the choice pay? The last hard route that I remember was 2011 with 4 MTFs (a record for that time) resulting in a first part in which Pyrenees were basically ridden at slow pace because of Contador not being dominant and everyone else being scared of what’s coming. TDF is trying to put an hard route again on the table hoping that different style of racing of Pogacar and Roglic (and even Bernal) can bring something different on the table – stages like Andorra or Quillan are a problem in terms of TV viewers, so the more we get GC action the better for the race sponsors and stakeholders. And this is what this route is all about.

Grand Depart

The Grand Depart in Denmark finally makes it after 2021 and for the first time since 1987 the Tour de France it’s not starting on a Saturday. Last time was for a start in West Berlin that needed an extra rest day to move from West Berlin to Karlsruhe in a TDF of 25 stages + prologue starting on a Wednesday. After that TDFs had always prologue and 21/22 stages of which two of them often being held in the day after it as a normal stage + TTT in same day. The actual format of 21 stages + 2 rest day was there since 1999 and went untouched until now. TDF finally gets an ITT as stage 1 and this will help in the following days – ITT means gaps, gaps means that there won’t be the usual rush because someone may crash and I random rider can get yellow if I stay up making my day out of my career.

Crashes will surely be important in first week and unlike the other races we should here pay attention also to the size of the road – we saw last year Roglic being out in a stage with finals being ridden on narrow roads. Stage 2 is ridden all along the danish coast with the final being on a long bridge in an attempt to get some echelons and gaps like in Zeeland stage of TDF 2015 – the same, but with far less probability being in the mainland, for the Stage 3 that is likely to be a sprint. Rest day, race in France.

First week

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There is an interesting thing we can notice in the first week draw: there aren’t any expected mass sprints. There can be one in Calais but surely won’t be a mass sprint with these climbs on the road (even if you should probably start the acton in the three climbs in the middle of the stage). The stage is classified “hilly” and won’t give full points in the shameful anti-sagan rule introduced in 2016. Honestly it’s time to put the rule back as it was in 2010s, with a better level of the green jersey points across the different type of stages and enjoy multiple riders having the chance to compete in it against the sprinters. Calais stage is the classic stage that would end in a breakaway in 2nd week – in the first week may not because of the yellow jersey battle.

Stage is then followed by the “cobbled day”, back in TDF after 2018 with entirely new cobbled sectors not done in the actual version Paris-Roubaix. There is only one sector classified with four stars according to our map and it’s Tilloy à Sars-en-Rosieres and it’s the sector in which Van der Poel made the attack that allowed him to drop the rest of the peloton going back on Colbrelli group. Stage is only 144 km and it’s on the paper easier than 2018 stage ending in Roubaix that didn’t do any significant gap. To be fair, after 2014, there were barely gaps between GC contenders in the cobble stages (every single one of them ridden in dry conditions). Mathieu Van der Poel can drop the peloton and go for the solo victory, Wout Van Aert also can but we’ll have to see first if he can ride freely or he’ll be bounded to Roglic babysitting like Sagan with Contador in 2015 cobbled stage. At GC level of course the best outcome for ASO is Roglic/Pogacar losing some time here, forcing them to attack in the mountains.

Longvy seems tailored on Alaphilippe. There is a decent length and a punchy final. It’s like having two classics in a row but being Stage 6 this seems designed for a good chance of a breakaway finish specially because 220 kms are a lot to chase for a single team. Stage 7 will feature the first MTF on la Super Planche des Belles filles. We know this climb by heart considering how many times we got that in the last years – the finish will be the same of 2019 and this means that the final wall is likely giving us 10-15” gaps between contenders neutralizing any attack before it. 2019 stage was also way harder than this one before the final climb. Lausanne will be again a MTF but for different type of riders – this is another stage that is likely having “breakaway” written all over it considering being between two hard stages.

Last one is the first mountain stage and it’s the only one being on a weekend. Pas de Morgins will act as a deciding climb for the day – there surely will be some attacks that should be done in the first part of the climb – the only problem here is the first part of the stage that could and should’ve been harder. Likely 8-12 riders here in the finish unless Pogacar goes thermonuclear immediately – we’ll see who will lose the tour.

Second week

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Second week follows the trend of the first, but with mountains. Personally I am a bit disappointed for the opening stage in Megeve because the finish was the same of Dauphiné last stage of 2020 – and that was one of the best races of the year – but they’ll basically remove whatever there is before the final ascent to place this stage in the middle of the Tour de France high mountain stages. Considering the two upcoming days this is another stage with “breakaway” written all over it.

Race will then go with the Col du Granon and I am excited to see this climb back in TDF. Someone will probably have played the same final in one of my Pro Cycling Manager Fantasy Tour de France variants – and if you played it you’ll know that Granon is hard. 11 kms – costantly 9-10%. Would not instead reccomend attacks on Galibier but to use it, instead, to select the group – the descent is not so technical and a group vs a single person here can easily recover a gap if they cooperate properly: in 2017 Tour did the same descent with finish being in Serre Chevalier and Roglic lost easily 40 seconds vs the yellow jersey group (and in final the yellow group slowered down a bit due to the bonifications)

There is nothing to say on the Alpe d’Huez stage. It’s a classic. Stage is the same of 2008 except for the length, on that day the start was in Embrun for a total of 210 km that allowed Sastre to win the race gaining 2 minutes basically on everyone in the peloton also thanks to the Schleck brothers that being teammates had to stay on wheel despite Frank was in yellow (even with few seconds on Cadel Evans and an ITT coming). We’ll see gaps and we’ll know that everything before the Alpe is useless except pacing and making the rivals putting fatigue in their legs. Descents are long, you need to push, riders likely regrouping here. Hoping for some crowd control on the climb after 2018.

Saint-Etienne on the paper is a flat stage. And i mean on the paper because it can be a breakaway day or a restricted sprint day. The climbs are enough to drop most of the sprinters if properly paced giving WVA/MVDP a chance to go for the day. Final is the same of the stage Thomas De Gendt won – without the small climb in the park.

We know also everything about the Mende stage – puncheur stage, hard final, gaps likely to be happen. It’s a stage that being for GC riders usually goes to the breakaway with GC riders saving the watt for giving everything on these three steeps kms. Carcassonne is again a sprint on the paper but with several climbs in it it’s unlikely to be – the city hosts again a finish after the Cavendish record (and some criticism for the three turns before the mass sprint). Final is indeed hard than last year and even here there are chances of avoiding the mass sprint.

Third week

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Third week fixes the main error of the last year and put finally out of the table the baby stages with two climbs. Foix brings back on the race the Mur de Peguere where due to the steepness something will happen even if the descent doesn’t favour riders on the move. Peyragudes stages features four climbs in 130 km, all short and fast with one technical descent on the Horquette. The big flaw of this stage like the Horquette is the final ramp of Peyragudes being steep (it’s the same of 2017) and not favouring the riders who will want to attack earlier in the climb.

Hautacam will so be the last day on the mountains – the “now or never” day in an unfortunately short stage but better than Luz Ardiden 2021 featuring Aubisque and Spandelles (you may also know this climb from one of the my Pro Cycling Manager TDF variants) before the final in Hautacam. Descent of Spandelles is also technical on a narrow road (unless resurfacing will happen before july) and the final climb of Hautacam done in third week has always delivered some good gaps.

Stage 19 can probably feature a mass sprint. I’d say probably because usually this stage has been given to the breakaway all the time with breakaway riders having their last chance before Paris and sprinters+teams wanting to save energies for the last day after having battled to survive in the mountains (TDF time limits are the most tight by far in comparison with Giro and Vuelta).

Stage 20 will be the usual, traditional, classic penultimate day ITT with punchy finish and proper stage distance. It’s the third year in a row that TDF decides to go back with the final ITT instead of a KOM. Wishing for one hour ITTs back in the game, we can be satisfied with what’s on the table. Nothing to say with Stage 21 that is the usual criterium on the Champs.


Tour de France 2021 – Global Elevation

The official website defines the route “a route for attackers“. This TDF seems in fact heavily designed for taking advantage of the dualism between Van Aert and Van der Poel bringing them rightly into the green jersey contention due to the lack of stages for pure sprinters. Van Aert could’ve easily won the green last year but he didn’t had the green light to go into sprints – in 2020 for domestique duties, in 2021 also being scared of getting injured for Olympics. While we can discuss if it’s fair for Van Aert to go also for his own ambition while helping the captain we cannot unsee how TDF designed a lot of stages in which top 10 gaps can happen likely every day.

ASO picked an experimental route following the “modern cycling” in which you prefer to having more gaps alongside the whole Grand Tour than the big day – will it pay? It didn’t in the last times they tried due to lot of conservative racing but they’ll hope things to change with the current peloton. Lack of the mountain stage over 200 kms remains, there are some proper climbs in the mountain stages unlike last year and the number of MTFs has been increased. The big difference in comparison to Giro remains in the middle mountain stages that are too easy to see any GC contention and the only ones that will feature GC gaps it’s because of a steep climb placed in final.

You won’t see here stages like Diamante – Potenza or Torino – Torino of Giro 2021 (the last one was Porrentruy 2012) and this is first due to lack of infrastructures in French territory, then due to organizers choices. In this sense some different choices for example could’ve been taken in Calais (Cassel in the final) and Saint-Etienne stages. A Team Time Trial would’ve been good on a route like that, first to set some times between Roglic and Pogacar and second to force some teams to take some good TTers instead of mountain superdomestiques making the roster choice more tactical.

As a cycling fanatic I’ll have to hope that the experiment will work and ASO will so be motivated to put other similar routes in the future – and that means a close GC battle and a lot of stages in which it happens. Stages like Nimes, Quillan and Andorra of TDF 2021 are good only for the riders who won it – less for the spectators, considering that last two happened also on a weekend. Target of ASO is trying to bring the first week racing of last year over three weeks and while the profiles of the Tour de France are not necessarily as difficult as the Giro d’italia – the intensity of competition still makes it the hardest grand tour in terms of average level and level required to win stages. Up to the riders now riding like if there is no tomorrow every day and hoping ASO plan to not backfire again.

Giro d’Italia 2022 route review

Giro d’Italia route reveal – for the first time in five steps – ended today and we can finally see what the riders are supposed to face in may. While, as usual, you can find all the interactive maps on our website – let’s take a look of what RCS Sport decided to put on the table for the first Grand Tour of the season.


Giro 2022 fix one of the greater mistakes of the 2021 edition – having an excessively backloaded route: in 2021 there was only one high mountain stage in first 13, the Rocca di Cambio one, won by Bernal and in which few seconds were given in the GC gaps between the main contenders. This led to a first part of giro ridden very conservative for the GC riders before the mountain stages with breakaway making always it to the finish line in non-flat stages making the race a bit boring before Cortina (with exception of Montalcino stage). 2022 route introduces two Mountain Top Finishes, Etna and Blockhaus with proper length and hardness in comparison to the ones we were used to in last two year. Route continues to be backloaded following the format of previous years of having a third week relatively more hard than the rest but there are now chances to test riders also before the decisive week.

With a general overview Giro keeps it’s identity of a “true bike race” compared to the Tour de France “kermesse”. The pink race organizers decided to put again a proper hard route for climbers, following the current cycling historical moment of inserting more hard stages with small gaps possibly happening anywhere rather than having the “d-day” in which you can gain minutes and turn the GC completely upside down. This is something that will recurr in this Giro route as if we see each one of the stages, especially in the mountains, we’ll find out that each stage it’s hard but could’ve been drawn outstanding the rest: there is a flaw in each one of the mountain stage drawn by RCS even if they can be considered hard enough taking them alone.

A plus are instead the medium mountain stages day: these are someting that Tour de France always missed out in last years despite Stage 20 of Vuelta, Stage 5 of Tirreno, Stage 7 of Pais Vasco set a clear trend during last season: a stage all up and down made it uncontrollable on the road can make serious damages for the GC – giro tried to put some traps of this type on the route – but let’s see it in the details.

(A small thing you should take into account while looking at profiles: the first sprint is likely to be the sprint for ciclamino points, while the second is likely going to be the bonification sprint, giving 3-2-1 seconds for GC).

Grand Depart

First three stages doesn’t say too much, seems the classic Grand Depart with some small-gaps-stages without saying too much for the GC. Visegrad could’ve been harder (and that was the intention of the local organizers) but ended still being a GC day from the start – a crash or a bad positioning will cost you time. The “prologue ITT” – because that’s the length – being put as stage 2 will feature an interesting outcome: GC riders will start all in the final and won’t be sparse during the day as if it was in Stage 1 having anomalies like in Bologna with all GC in first part. Battle for the first “maglia rosa” not given straight to Ganna in Day 1 with the ITT makes the first finish interesting because it’s usually something you see in TDF Stage 1, not Giro.

First week

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The best realization of first week not being like the last years as in the Stage 4 the riders will already face the Etna. The side (last 14 km) it’s the same used in 2011 when Contador won the stage on Rujano and Garzelli setting a first milestone in his second Giro victory. The climb as usual has the characteristics of not being too hard but being long and with 6-7% regular slopes all the time (more like a TDF climb than a Giro one). Being the top of a volcano with nothing around in the area wind will be the key to see gaps. In any case this will be indeed the classic day in which we won’t know who’ll win the giro, but who will not win it filtering the GC.

After two sprint stages there is the first “trap stage” of Giro with the finish in Potenza. This is a 198 km day that has more positive denivel than Alpe d’Huez TDF 2022 stage, so surely a day to be taken into account. Monte Scuro is far from the finish line, it’s only the first week but can definitely be a climb to set traps and broke the peloton in groups putting some rivals out of GC if you are brave enough to make it a GC day: it’s a 6 Km climb, almost 10% average – no flat until finish. A Vuelta Stage 20 scenario here is unlikely to happen and this stage would’ve been good as Stage 20 but this can be a good day to try, especially if you lost time in Etna.

Stage 8 is the first surprise of the day with Giro this year going with two circuit stages, one in Napoli and one in Torino. In the italian press this stage was rumored to end on Monte di Procida to celebrate Procida as Italian Culture Capital for 2022 but at the end will end in Napoli. It will be indeed a breakaway day as the circuit is too soft for the GC but enough to take out the sprinters. While Monte di Procida could’ve deliver and hardest race day as finish, the 39 km from the KOM to Napoli will indeed be good to see the breakaway battle for the stage.

An high mountain stage with a demanding mountain top finish is so scheduled for the second sunday of the race with Passo Lanciano followed by Blockhaus. There is a bit of disappointment here for the hardest side of Passo Lanciano/Blockhaus being… the one they’ll do in the descent (that at this point will also be a technical one). Finish is the same of Giro 2017 stage 9 when Quintana won appearing without any doubt the strongest rider on mountains in that Giro. Unfortunately for him, there were also ITTs, but that’s another edition. It will anyway be indeed a big GC day with not small gaps like last year (14 riders in 12”) but entire riders being already out of GC contention: in 2017 the 10th rider was over 2 minute, there was not Passo Lanciano before and stage was only 148 km long.

Second week

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The first disappointment of the Giro opens up as soon as you see the opening of the second week. After 2021 Tirreno and the news of a “Muri” stage in the Marche region, I would’ve expected something else – instead what is proposed it’s not a “Muri” stage that can compete with the “Sterrato” stage of last year but a stage in which the climbs taken are much softer. Length can be a factor here (194 km) but not expecting any battle. The stage is followed by the classic trademark of the latest Giro edition – the big “Piattone” (long flat stage) in Emilia Romagna. It worked so much in last years having rider not even wanting to go in breakaway because there were no KOM points on stack and limited prizes that peloton last time took a nap and went regular pace before Pellaud attack. So why not doing it again? I mean, just do a little detour and insert at least one easy climb, come on Giro!

Genova stage is another good day for GC. Race will be back on Passo del Bocco descent for the first time after Wouter Weylandt tragedy. Race will then follow some steep climbs before the Monte Becco that is a 10 km @ 7% climb – have no idea about the descent here. Expecting some GC action here considering the following day it’s a sprint. Worth mention for stage 13 that will face Colle di Nava from the opposite side of Sanremo 2020. The climb it’s a true climb: it’s 11 km @ 6.2%. If resistent sprinters would like to make some selections the day can be interesting here as it’s also the penultimate chance for them (even if they’ll have to chase/lead for 100 kms).

Torino stage is amazing. It’s a 153 Km up-and-down circuit all the day. This can be a chaos stage all around. Bric del Duca (that’s it’s basically Superga climb) will be one of the key moment of the day. The problem of this stage is one only: riders can hold back something as there will be a mountain day following. Cogne stage it’s different compared to the usual ones because the Mountain Top Finish it’s an easy one. It’s a stage designed for long-range attacks with a rest day following and a mid-climb harder than the final one like Verrogne. While i think this it’s a good stage for the “there is no tomorrow” day, in the second weekend with two other mountains stages following after the rest day it may be a breakaway day.

Third week

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Giro d’Italia 2022 made me excited when I saw that intentions was to put back Mortirolo in the route. Except…. we got Aliexpress Mortirolo. Monno side is not even comparable to the Mazzo di Valtellina one. Sure, Santa Cristina back in the route it’s a good thing, Grosio descent is technical (see 2012 stage won by De Gendt for references), Teglio is steeper but Giro lost a big chance here to re-propose one of the most epic finals – the Merano-Aprica 1994 one with Crocedomini (also here from the easier side) instead of the Stelvio. This is the main problem of this giro – there are a lot of hard stages but none of them is above the other as a decisive day: this would’ve been a good candidate as the one. Final is indeed hard and this stage also being after the rest day will surely define the GC but having Mortirolo used in this way with Aprica wanting to host a MTF it’s a slap in the face of Giro d’Italia history.

Lavarone stage featured an uphill start with Tonale then a long up and down to Pergine Valsugana before re-introducing a climb that was mostly featured in Giro del Trentino: the “Passo del Vetriolo”. Both climbs of this stages are hard and with a sprint in the next day no doubt that there will be attacks. Considering Aprica the day before, this is a day in which you can send your rival into crisis.

Will go fast on sprint stage featuring Muro di Cà del Poggio again in giro. Even here it’s another chance to drop some pure sprinters, better than the Cuneo stage, as it’s only 50 km to the line. The last friday it’s a trip to Slovenia where there is a stage classified as medium mountain but that would be high mountain if this was TDF. Kolovrat climb is 10 Km at 9.1%, so it’s indeed steep even if it’s 43 km to go. It’s unlikely that considering what’s coming next there will be attacks, but who knows.

Stage 20 is the big disappointment of this Giro. It’s not about the baby-length for being the decisive stage but it’s about the climb disposition. Fedaia is steep – so it’s working better as penultimate climb. If you want to end on Fedaia, it’s fine, but here again we had a precedent set in 2008 of a good (and short) stage. Don’t know if someone will try to go “all-in” on Pordoi with such a steep finish and for being a stage 20 the risk is to end up anti-climatic and everyone waiting last 6 kms to try to attack and win the giro. It’s steep enough to have big gaps if you go full gas.

The final ITT in Verona is more or less the same route of 2019 with Torricelle. Will be significant only according to GC gaps and set a trend of a really low amount of KMs in Giro. Giro went back to origins in ITT Kms after having good editions with the 1h ITT in the middle setting the gaps for the mountains.


Giro d’Italia 2022 – Global Elevation

Giro 2022 continues to follow a dangerous thread in the stage races, reducing ITT Kms and preferring quantity over quality. It will be indeed a good giro to follow on TV (unless it rains? Standards shall improve definitively in comparison with last year). Stages taken out of the whole route context have good intentions but lacks a bit of balancing in the overall context. Resistance won’t be tested on a single stage day (maybe in Aprica) but on the whole three weeks like in 2016 edition won by Nibali with the sicilian able to make gaps in two short but hard stages.

It’s also comprehensible on the other hand after what happens in the last years RCS not wanting to have the risk of the queen stage being altered by snow or rain or rider protests and with this route surely an alteration will have a minor impact on the global outcome. Hoping in athletes doing all the route this time the giro suits indeed the climbers over the all-round riders, fixing some of the flaws of 2021 edition but not entirely doing a route in pure “Giro” style spreading the difficult across more stages in comparison with the past.

See you in may for the hardest race in the world’s beautiful place.

Who should wear bib #1 in the Tour de France Femmes 2022?

So, here we are. In my nerd mind casually thought about this. We are used to have #1 bib in Tour de France being worn by the defending Champions and – if it’s not present – the captain picked by the team of the defending Champion. This is a tradition of the Tour de France but for Tour de France Femmes we don’t have a past edition. Maybe.

So, who should wear bib #1 in the race?

Here there are my hypothesis – feel free to pick the one you want, or choose yours

1. Elisa Balsamo

Elisa Balsamo is the reigning world champion, so why don’t give her the number 1? This is usually a solution that RCS does in their races when the defending Champion is not present. Applying it to the Tour de France Femmes seems a good idea. Balsamo also had bib #1 in the first Paris – Roubaix Femmes (thanks to Twitter user WillStrickson)

2. Amber Neben

Don’t know if her team will get a chance but Amber Neben is ‘formally’ the defending champion of “La Route de France”. The race was up since 2016 – at 2.2 level – and replaced the Tour de France even if not organized by ASO. Amber Neben is currently 46 and it’s unlikely to be there, but she is formally the defending champion of this race. The last champion of the “Grand Boucle Feminine internationale” held between 1992 and 2009 but not from ASO was Emma Pooley that isn’t there – and his team at that time (Cervelo) isn’t active anymore. Last edition of a race organized by ASO in 1993 under name “Tour de la CEE feminin” was instead Heidi Van de Viver. Unfortunately we have no info on her team in 1993 (was the race for NT?)

3. The UCI Women World Tour Leader

Why not? I mean, one choice is like the other, so we have a leader – we can pick her to wear the bib #1 in TDFF. It’s one idea like another.

4. Demi Vollering

What’s the precursor event of the TDFF? La Course. Who is the defending Champion? Demi Vollering. La Course transitioned into TDFF, seems linear making her having the honour of wearing bib #1 in the TDFF

5. The captain of the first team in alphabetical order

This is the rule that RCS uses in Giro and their other races when no World Champion and no Defending Champion starts. Acqua & Sapone before and Ag2r La Mondiale later are used to wear #1 bib.

6. Nobody.

Is that possible? Yes. It happened in TDF 2007 with Landis being DQ. Pereiro, 2nd in 2006 (assignation still under judgment), started with bib #11. Bib #1 was not in the race. In the next year, instead, Evans, 2nd behind Contador, started with bib #1 as Astana was not invited.

So, what’s your opinion?

On Van Aert and Evenepoel worlds 2021 (hopefully for the last time)

I am back on using this space (would probably soon consider a blog section on LFR site) to write down what I think of what happened in Worlds between Van Aert and Evenepoel. Not speaking about declarations in general, but about the tactic and about what happened.

First: the tactic. According to what was reported by the riders in question, main tactic should’ve been Evenepoel keeping himself in peloton, following attack in final and in general working for WVA sprint. What happened is that Evenepoel followed attacks earlier, gave all he has for WVA once reached.

To undestand this tactic we should first think imho at what were the best chances for the riders in question to win the race. Evenepoel is indeed favourite in long-range solo attacks due to his TT skills and in general superior lungs on the flat portions. WVA can win a restricted sprint.

In an ideal world belgium tactic would so have been Evenepoel attacking in the last lap – or before it in a small group, using him to make WVA saving energies to lost wheels. Stuyven as its last domestique.

Would define the approach of this World Championships a little embarassing from the point of view of Belgian Team. Evenepoel was basically denied his chance in press – the only rider of the belgian team that received this treatment and – to make sure of it – old uncle Eddie added salt in the press.

I don’t think that was fair. I don’t remember any World Championship in which you said to one of the possible winners “you are going to be full committed to WVA”. This hasn’t been requested to Stuyven, i.e., that rightly had his chances in the final. So the first question on the matter is that if you bring Evenepoel you should give him a chanche. It’s unrespectful to not do that. If you want a domestique for WVA bring a domestique – there were plenty of them at home for Belgium. If you bring here Evenepoel, you should respect Evenepoel and give him his chance. The whole approach of the World Championships bringing Evenepoel on a bad spotlight was honestly unrespectful for the rider.

We then have the race – and even in the race there is someting that needs to be talked about. While Belgium first favoured Evenepoel group, there was a moment in which Madouas, Evenepoel, Bagioli, Van Baarle and Powless was the leading group with 35” and Belgium chased this group behind brigning everyone back, just to drop Kristoff and Sagan.

This was in my opinion the most nonsense move of the entire worlds – as Belgium used domestiques and dropped domestiques. The outcome of this was that Evenepoel didn’t got a possible chance of playing his cards in a group of 5 and Belgium went outnumbered in domestiques. Belgium went from protecting the attempt at 68 to go, to chase it at 60 to go.

The outcome was Belgium not having Teuns and Lampaert anymore, making race more hard for Alaphilippe, burning a possible chance to ride on wheels because of Evenepoel in front and using the same Evenepoel as WVA domestique (he asked for his chance at this point on car, it was denied).

Here we have the first question: does WVA already felt bad legs here? Because in this case he had to tell the car and team should’ve acted differently. I don’t want to say that the purpose of the action was to put Evenepoel out from possible contenders and make sure Belgium would’ve rode for WVA at that point, but this is exactly what happened.

Evenepoel then giving all he had to distance a group without possible contenders was honestly another bad move. Belgium had Lampaert and Teuns behind – who were they try to distance? It just made race even harder benefitting Alaphilippe.

In conclusion, I don’t think Evenepoel is to be blamed here. If you want a domestique, call a domestique. If you call a free rider you should expect that he rode like that and he’ll probably do it tomorrow in Lombardia. In other words, from real world examples, if you are Jumbo-Visma and you bring both Roglic and Van Aert in a classic that both can win in different way, you shouldn’t expect Roglic to work for Van Aert and would be disrespectful asking Roglic to do so.

Tour de France 2021 – My ideas about the upcoming race

I am honestly excited about TDF 2021 battle. For the first time we have not a clear favourite – or better, we have, it’s Pogacar – but team balanced the individual skills. Pogacar on the top 3 has the weakest team – can be easily isolated and unlike the last year won’t be dragged for free around France. He is still owerpowered compared to the rest and in a normal route he would probably be the favourite. But this isn’t a normal route.

This tour present a correct amount of ITT KMs but lacks about an hard mountain stage. And this is why, for example, Thomas is the INEOS leader. Thomas isn’t as strong as Carapaz in mountain (and of course is not better than Roglic and Pogacar), isn’t as fast as Roglic in ITTs.

INEOS has indeed the better team, but they don’t have the better rider. They have to play how they are not used to do in TDF: tactical superiority. About that, i will take into account Porte or Carapaz – probably the 2nd over the first. In a situation in which Carapaz has more than 1 minute, he can come back in GC counterattacking after INEOS had isolated the peloton and rest of captains are one by one. Similar with how he won Giro with Movistar. If INEOS take the train tactic, instead, they are unlikely to win and we’ll get a boring TDF. We have then Roglic and Jumbo-Visma. Where did Roglic lose the last TDF? In the ITT. Why he lost it? Because he rely on a tiny gap. Pogacar did a super ITT, but you should take care into account that you can have a mechanical, or a bad day, and try to increase the gap where you can. Roglic could’ve increased twice: on Glieres stage, where Pogacar suffered and he stopped and on Loze, pacing hard before the climb when Bahrain stopped. He was better than Pogacar on that day, he didn’t. For sure Roglic learnt the lesson – he didn’t race before TDF to avoid to have troubles of keeping form for 3 weeks (remember he suffered in last Vuelta too) and if he have legs, he’ll surely attack.

Another error of Jumbo-Visma in 2020 was to not keep a 2nd rider in GC. Dumoulin was out of contention in Peyresourde. Could’ve helped them a lot in stages like Glieres in which everyone was isolated while they got 3-4 riders. Send him to the move, let the other chase. With this route, I’d try to keep WVA in the GC the more I can. Could help a lot, specially in covering INEOS.

Pogacar, then. Pogacar in this TDF has only to hope to get the jersey the more late he can. He don’t have the riders to decimate INEOS when attacking, even if he’s the strongest. With this route, he can make the difference on Portet and Ventoux stages – my only concern on Ventoux is that descent is 0 technical, so you have to gain a lot of time. 10-15” gaps are likely to be closed. You have then to see how he performs in hot temperatures – he suffered in NCs ITT last week.

All the above can get simply get void by stages 1 and 2. It’s TDF, there are two uphill finishes with no 3 Kms rule. One crash and you are out, like Dumoulin in 2018 at Mur de Bretagne. And first stages are the one with most crashes as everyone wants to be in front and take the yellow – EVERYONE. Take 2 minutes for a crash and you have already lost the tour.

Possibile outsider: Alaphilippe. He is here for GC. Zero doubts. Route suits him in his limits, suited more Evenepoel or Almeida, but they are not here. Alaphilippe will skip olympics so he’ll probably be focused on tdf. In 2019 his problem was the third week (and the resistance over 21 days). Now we’ll discover if he worked on it.

Green jersey: can’t see someone beating Sagan. Maybe only Demare, but Demare won’t take points in First two stages. Ewan can win it if he goes for intermediates, but in the past he didn’t. Van der poel Is not going to finish the tour, Van Aert would be a contender and the favourite but only if he will be allowed to attack and go into breakaway in mountains to take the IS points, like Sagan can and will do.

KOM Battle: two options here according to peloton attitude. Kom battle will be played on big climbs, namely Ventoux 2nd passage, Portet and Luz Ardiden. These climbs will give 40 to 1st, other HC will give 20, 1st cat 10. The stage to win it is Le Grand Bornand that has four 1st category and in this final race always ended with a breakaway reaching finish since I have memory.

So, that’s all for this my personal ideas of TDF 2021. Who will be your winner? My guess is INEOS taking it, but not with Thomas.

Rai plane broadcasting drama and possible differences with France TV

Hello everyone? How did you spent your Giro rest day? We spent it talking about TV broadcasting after yesterday’s Giro stage.

Many topic will be touched in this small piece on Reddit, but for who isn’t new on how a cycling race is produced for live TV a small recap: there are camera motos, there are camera helicopters, there are radio helicopters and radio plane. Camera motos and camera helicopters send their signal to radio helicopters and radio plane, that flew above the race. These two send signal to the van at the finish line that is cabled and handles the broadcast.

This fleet is redundant. In raining conditions, for example, there are no camera helicopters and radio helicopters. Signal is sent directly to radio plane. Or at least this is what happened yesterday in MercanTour or in Tour de Romandie Stage 5. In Giro instead we didn’t have a plane because it was not given the permission to take off from Venice airport, in which the plane landed after Sunday stage. We’ll come back later for this.

Mercantour TV broadcasting condition, worse than Giau yesterday

What we know is that Rai is using a different airplane that the one of France TV. Going on Flightradar, for example, we can see here the model used in Montalcino stage, that is used for Giro and all the italian races. It was used in Milano-Sanremo, Tirreno-Adriatico, Tour of The Alps this year

Giro d’Italian plane in Montalcino: Piper PA-31T Cheyenne 2

France TV plane (we’ll call it in this way, even if we’ll see is it used for other TV) is a different model. We’ll keep out Tour de France TV production on this post because they actually uses three planes. We’ll compare Giro with other France TV production that uses one plane only – like, for example, the Mercantour.

Mercantour TV plane: Beerch 200 Super King Air

The first INTERESTING stuff we found on flightradar, is that this plane seems to be the standard for TV productions out of italy. The same plane F-HFRF (so not only the model, but vehicle, was used for the broadcast of the infamous Stage 4 of Tour de Romandie 2021 – and it stayed above all the area until Woods crossed the line.

Tour de Romandie 2021 Stage 4 is the same plane.

The same plane seems to be used by ASO for their races. On Flightradar with a premium subscription, you can access the flight plan and you can see, for example, that was used in the recent Tour du Hongrie

F-HFRF flight plan

With great suprise, we checked also some planes used in other races. Itzulia 2021 seems to use also a Beech B200C Super King Air, not the same of ASO

Itzulia 2021 plane

Same model of plane, but different aircraft, was used this year also in Ronde Van Vlaanderen

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 2021 plane

To conclude the saga, the “optimum”. Tour de France. Three planes used, two of them are Beech B200 Super King Air, one is Piper PA-31-350 (same used in Giro)

Tour de France 2020 production

At this point, I was lucky to know a person that is currently finishing his engineering studies in Italy and spent 2 year and his bachelor degree thesis on Air Simulators (dreaming also to became a pilot) and how these stuff works. I spent some times with him this morning, asking to clarify some questions about how Mercantour and Romandie were able to get production live, while stage (also Giau) wasn’t.

First step: helicopters. It’s possible to have anti-ice helicopters but according to him if there is strong fog or it’s rain, it’s not reccomandable to take-off. These are mainly used for medic stuff and emergencies, not for TV production. All the new helicopters has de-icing system according to him. An option we considered is that France TV has helicopters with de-icing system and RAI has outdated one, but didn’t makes sense considering that Mercantour didn’t use them, so we dismissed the hypotesis of helicopters not having that system. Seems simply caution.

Second step: airplane models. Piper first flight was in 1969, Super King first flight was in 1972. According to him they are very similarThese planes are base model for civil aviation that the TV buys. The first thing he went to check also with flightradar, was the elevation in which they could fly. Both planes flight at same elevation, 35.000ft according to their base model technical specifications. This put on the table some options like civil aviation different rules or different technology of moto.

About the different technology, we put the hypotesis immediately off the table, simply because in a stage like yesterday the plane didn’t even attempt to take off because was not authorized to – according to RAI. Every time the signal dropped on Giro, Stages 4, 8 and 16 for now, was because plane wasn’t on the race.

The question in the discussion moved on another point: was the plane able to go for an instrument flight over the Giau? The answer he gave me it was absolutely yes. Both planes (France TV and RAI) flew at 25.000ft when recording – so at that altitude you are able to flew only with an instrument flight and not with a visual flight.

But in Giau stage the plane wasn’t able to take off. Was because of the weather near the starting airport? Of course not, because civilian planes started in the same hours as it’s possible to see in the timetable of Venice airport of yesterday.

In our discussion so something doesn’t seem right because even if Rai model seems outdated, the instrumentation seemed similar. So it could’ve took off, and he could’ve flew over the area, even if later than the original plan. Technically if take off was the problem from Venice, it could’ve happened from a non Italian airport, avoiding Italian Civil flight laws for the take off. Why didn’t happen?

We went back in our discussion to Sestola. In Sestola the plane coverage dropped suddenly because started to rain and we were told by RAI journalists that the plane was called back from the control for the risk of the ice that can form in motors.

We went back checking both models agains according to the technical specifications. Both models has de-icing system and he found the possible problem: if plane doesn’t have electric injection, ice can obstruct carburetor, and I don’t think this model has this type of injection, being a turboprop.

So, Rai plane indeed can’t flight (and is asked to land when it’s raining at low temperatures) because it doesn’t have electric injection. It’s over? No.

France TV plane base model doesn’t have electric injection too. But it stays up. So, from now, what follows is speculation.

It’s absolutely possible that France TV plane got upgraded compared to the base model (we had technical details available for the base model, but every aircraft can be upgraded and changing the injection type is definitely possible according to him). We can’t say that, because we have only the infos on the general model – of course – and not on the single aircrafts.

The main hypotesis on the table are so these two

  1. France TV airplane having been upgraded since the 70s with an electric injection, avoiding ice problems forming in the carburetor, so able to stay upright and film without problems, while RAI airplane hasn’t.
  2. Stricter civil laws / order from italian civil aviation compared to the rest of the world. Accorging to him, this is also a chance because many of them are outdated and excessively precautious with nowadays technology.

So if the question is: could’ve France TV plane flew over Giau yesterday? The answer is “maybe“. We are missing a piece of information here – and that information is the key: if RAI upgraded too its airplane with an electric injection, so being able to flew on that area without risking ice in the motor. In this case it’s indeed the different between italian civil aviation laws and the rest.

Thank you for the pacience to reach this point, and follow our subreddit if you like.

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